Polly Klaas® Foundation
"Convio has become a key player in turning our strategic initiatives into exciting realities. Its tools have added a new dimension to our operations, and we regard them as essential partners in our effort to advance the mission of the Foundation."
- Robert De Leo, executive director, Polly Klaas Foundation |
About the Polly Klaas Foundation
The Polly Klaas Foundation is a national nonprofit that helps find missing children, prevents children from going missing, and promotes laws like Amber Alert that protect children. To date, 329 children have been recovered by Amber Alerts. The Foundation's compassion, experience and professionalism have helped more than 6,900 families. Missing child casework is provided around the clock, child safety information is distributed to families around the world, and eVolunteers are actively engaged in their own communities — distributing missing child posters, teaching child safety, and building child safety Web sites.
- Limited online outreach and a static Web presence that was achieved via three separate service providers
- Process to update Web site content was cumbersome and required direct technical assistance from vendors, leading to additional costs and delays that discouraged staff members from making frequent changes to the site
- Delays and difficulty posting information online about children who had recently gone missing
- With very few email addresses in the organization's contact database, the only way to reach out to members was by direct mail or by phone — both expensive methods requiring significant resources
- With its national reach, the Foundation was unable to respond to requests to volunteer beyond its local operating base, or to publicize its child safety materials without a large advertising budget
- In 2002, implemented Convio's online advocacy and fundraising tools; in 2005 installed Convio's content management system
- Convio's cost-effective, easy-to-use online tools changed the organization's ability to quickly update Web site content to gain crucial citizen participation and build an active eCommunity
- Integrating online and offline activities reduced the time to complete labor intensive tasks, including worldwide distribution of Child Safety Kits
- Ability to immediately post a missing child's profile online, and instantaneously notify eVolunteers nationwide to distribute posters in their communities
- Training, account management and client support ensure that nontechnical staff can easily use Convio's online tools
- Amber Alerts were implemented in all 50 states and nationally following a successful nationwide campaign using email and action alerts with targeted letters to state and federal officials
- Grew list of online members, activists, eVolunteers and concerned parents from 326 email addresses to more than 60,000 in five years
- Increased the number of Child Safety Kits ordered from about 17,000/year to 100,000+ by creating an online order form, placing a banner on the home page, and promoting in monthly eNews, press interviews and press releases
- Launched an eVolunteer recruitment campaign for members to download posters of missing children and distribute them to their communities; more than 600 people registered within 48 hours