Nov/Dec 2006

Partner Profile: Barton~Cotton

Barton Cotton
Barton~Cotton, a direct marketing agency based in Baltimore, Maryland, uses predictable net income growth forecasting to help its US and Canadian clients raise more than $170M annually. With early roots in traditional greeting card and mail production, the 50-year-old firm has expanded its focus to offer nonprofit organizations a multi-channel fundraising management solution that includes:

  • Predictable net income growth;
  • Data-driven forecasting and budgeting;
  • Multi-channel strategy, analysis, creative, and
  • Quality-tested production.

With more than 100 clients, Barton~Cotton is well positioned to help clients benchmark against the performance of nonprofit clients in both the premium and non-premium marketplace to develop reliable revenue forecasts. Using data-driven file analysis and fresh creative, Barton~Cotton helped Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) reposition its Veterans Service Fund that resulted in a 73 percent lift in gross revenue per name, and also helped the Dakota Indian Foundation double net income in one year.

At Convio's Customer Summit in October 2006, Barton~Cotton presented the results of an integrated Independence Day campaign by the VFW. By using both direct mail and email to ask supporters to sign a proclamation supporting American troops for a July 4th advertisement, the campaign raised $570,000 dollars in "upgrade" donations and enrolled 9,000 supporters to sign a proclamation supporting American troops.

To learn more about Barton~Cotton, please visit, or contact Brian Gross at or (800) 348-1102 ext 7532.

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