Convio and MPower Systems Partner to Enable Christian Ministries to Strengthen Relationships, Increase Fundraising and Advance MissionsPartnership Optimizes Online and Offline Data Integration for Joint Customers; Allows for More Effective Integrated Fundraising, Marketing and Communications CampaignsAUSTIN, TEXAS AND DALLAS, TEXAS (December 15, 2005) Convio, Inc. and MPower Systems today announced a partnership that will enable joint customers to establish stronger, more constant connections with donors and constituents to drive increased fundraising and successfully advance their missions. Convio is the leading provider of software and services to help nonprofits use the Internet for building strong constituent relationships that drive fundraising and other forms of support. MPower Systems is a leading provider of donor relationship management software for faith-based organizations. MPower's MPX database enables organizations to better track, service, understand, communicate with and minister to their donors. Convio and MPower currently serve a number of joint customers in the faith-based market. Organizations using both solutions now will be able to more efficiently exchange data between their Convio-powered online database and MPower's MPX donor database, which is key for conducting effective integrated marketing campaigns. Joint customers will be able to:
"In order to effectively drive fundraising and advance their missions, faith-based groups need to have an efficient way to stay connected with constituents through both online and offline channels," said Gene Austin, CEO, Convio, Inc. "Convio's partnership with MPower combines the expertise of two industry leaders and will improve our customers' abilities to communicate with their constituents, foster ongoing participation and increase giving." Turning Point Ministries, a global radio ministry, is a Convio/MPower joint customer that will benefit from enhanced data integration capabilities made possible by the partnership. "Turning Point Ministries reaches millions every week. It was clear that we needed an integrated online and offline system to easily manage communications, donations and product sales," said David Michael Jeremiah, Senior Vice President, Turning Point Ministries. "MPower already had a proven data exchange with Convio, so it made our decision easy. We look forward to this partnership because it will help us build and sustain stronger relationships and better minister to listeners and supporters." MPower Systems serves more than 225 leading Christian organizations, including Insight for Living with Chuck Swindoll, Walk Thru the Bible, and Habitat for Humanity Orange County. "Nearly two-thirds of the adults who use the Internet in the United States — or about 82 million people — use it for faith-related matters. We also know that a majority of the donors and supporters of MPower customers are online," said Randy McCabe, CEO, MPower Systems. "We sought this partnership with Convio because the company has the strongest integration to MPX today, and our clients need to be able to reap the benefits of stronger data integration and integrated marketing. Additionally, Convio is committed to serving Christian organizations in a manner that aligns with MPower's values." About MPower SystemsMPower Systems is the leading provider of donor relationship management software to faith-based nonprofit organizations. MPower Systems' MPX database provides organizations with the tools that they need to build and grow personal relationships with the people who are important to them, including; donors, volunteers, members, listeners and viewers, product purchasers, attendees and friends. MPower Systems' MPX database includes a People Module, Inventory, Media and Tasks. MPower Systems serves over 225 organizations across America and around the world with customers in countries such as Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In addition to Turning Point, Insight for Living, Walk Thru the Bible and Habitat for Humanity, MPower customers include: Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mothers of Preschoolers, East-West Ministries and Voice of the Martyrs. To learn more about MPower Systems, please visit About ConvioConvio is the leading provider of software and services to help nonprofits use the Internet strategically to build strong relationships with constituents for driving fundraising, advocacy and other forms of support. Convio has online solutions for fundraising, advocacy, Web content management, event fundraising, ecommerce and email communications. All solutions include the Constituent360™ platform, a sophisticated, online marketing database that centralizes constituent data and integrates with offline databases. In addition to Turning Point Ministries and a growing roster of other faith-based organizations, Convio's clients include American Red Cross, American Diabetes Association, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, AVON Foundation, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Easter Seals, Farm Aid, KCET Community Television of Southern California, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, National Trust For Historic Preservation, Ronald McDonald House Charities, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Thirteen/WNET New York. For more information, please visit |