Constituent360™ Opens Door to Stronger Constituent Relationships Getting to know constituents better is key for any nonprofit organization to succeed in online marketing, fundraising and advocacy. The more an organization knows about its constituents, the more targeted and relevant its communications can be. This, in turn, creates a better constituent experience and raises the level of constituent engagement. Storing constituent information in a single online database opens a world of opportunity for an organization to get constituents more involved. That is why Convio built its entire software system on an online database, Constituent360. It allows organizations to capture information — through interactions, surveys and Web site click-through tracking, and other mechanisms — about its site visitors, donors, volunteers, activists and members, and then use that data to develop a deeper online relationship with each supporter. Following are ways that any organization can use Constituent360 to maximize online relationships with constituents. Build Constituent Profiles
Segment, Target and Test In addition, A/B, or split list, testing can help an organization determine which messages work best with each audience segment. This approach involves sending two or more variations of a message to a percentage of the target audience to test the effectiveness of each message, then sending the most effective message to the remainder of the audience. Cross-Market to Get Constituents More Involved Organizations can use Constituent360 for more sophisticated cross-marketing as well. For example, if site visitors to a conservation organization participate in an "adopt-a-wolf" program, these constituents have indicated their interest. The organization then may use that information strategically to send an email to these constituents, asking them to also take action on pending legislation to protect the forests in which the wolves live. By targeting constituents based on their interests, and by asking them to participate in multiple ways, an organization can effectively maximize each constituent's involvement. This type of approach can offer even greater flexibility if an organization creates links between various interests. In the example above, interest in wolves relates to forests, which also may be related to clean air initiatives. Through strategic relationships, targeting, testing and marketing, a little bit of information about a constituent can open up a vast array of engagement opportunities. Find out more about Constituent360. Have a colleague who might be interested in this topic? Why not forward this article?