Chesapeake Bay Foundation Wins Standard of Excellence WebawardConvio-Powered Site Uses Online Tools to Achieve Impact in Environmental AdvocacyAUSTIN, TEXAS (Sept. 21, 2004) — The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) -- the largest conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Chesapeake Bay watershed -- has won a 2004 Standard of Excellence WebAward for its Convio-powered Web site -- The Standard of Excellence Award, sponsored by the Web Marketing Association, recognizes “the standard of excellence for which all corporate web sites should strive.” The Chesapeake Bay Foundation was entered in the nonprofit category. Convio provides market-leading software and services that help nonprofits use the Internet for developing strong constituent relationships to drive fundraising, marketing, advocacy and other forms of support. CBF works to heighten sensitivity, increase knowledge and empower citizens to take positive action to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay. Goals include reducing pollution, improving fisheries, and protecting and restoring the bay’s natural resources. CBF’s Convio-powered Web site and email system have helped the organization advance its mission by communicating more frequently with and mobilizing a larger constituency. Using Convio’s online tools, in 21 months, CBF’s email address file grew 116 percent. In less than two years, CBF generated 8,493 responses to online surveys and prompted activists to send 9,757 messages to decision-makers in response to online action alerts. In 2003, online donations grew 315 percent compared with 2002; the average online gift increased from $54 in 2002 to $85 in 2003. "We're always pleased when a client uses Convio tools to achieve great results and is recognized in the industry," said Gene Austin, CEO of Convio, Inc. "Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a great example of a nonprofit using today's advanced online tools to mobilize constituents and further its advocacy agenda. We are thrilled that the organization has won this award." About The Chesapeake Bay Foundation The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Chesapeake Bay watershed. CBF’s motto, Save the Bay, defines the organization's mission and commitment to reducing pollution, improving fisheries and protecting and restoring natural resources such as wetlands, forests and underwater grasses. CBF is headquartered in Annapolis, MD, and has state offices in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. The organization also operates 15 environmental education programs. About Convio, Inc. Convio is the leading provider of software and services that help nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions use the Internet to build strong constituent relationships to drive support and participation. Convio has online solutions for fundraising and membership, advocacy, special events, volunteer fundraising, Web site management and email communications. All solutions include the Constituent360™ platform, a sophisticated, online marketing database that centralizes constituent data and integrates with offline databases. This gives organizations a unified view of constituent interests and motivations -- key for personalized and targeted outreach and communications. Convio also provides services and consulting to help organizations achieve success online. In addition to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Convio's clients include the American Diabetes Association, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, AVON Foundation, Brady Campaign United with the Million Mom March, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Chicago Public Radio, Easter Seals, Farm Aid, Georgetown University, KCET Community Television of Southern California, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, National Trust For Historic Preservation, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization. For more information, please visit Whitney Wood Otstott |