Pentagon Memorial Fund Chooses Convio to Help Raise $30 Million for Washington, D.C. Memorial Honoring Sept. 11 VictimsConvio's Online Email and Fundraising Tools Enable Organization to Generate Support Nationwide for Pentagon Memorial ParkAUSTIN, TEXAS (April 22, 2004) -- The Pentagon Memorial Fund established to create a memorial commemorating the many lives lost in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon has selected Convio to accelerate its three-year, $30 million fundraising campaign for construction and permanent maintenance of a memorial park adjacent to the Pentagon. The Fund officially kicked off its fundraising campaign today in a news conference on Capitol Hill including U.S. Sen. George Allen of Virginia, U.S. Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, and Gen. Hugh Shelton, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a member of the Pentagon Memorial Fund executive committee. As part of today's event, the Pentagon Memorial Fund announced launch of its new, Convio-powered Web site The Pentagon Memorial Fund is a nonprofit organization created by the families of those who were killed on September 11, 2001, when terrorists crashed a jetliner into the Pentagon, killing the 59 passengers and crew members aboard the aircraft as well as 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building. A design for the memorial has been selected, and a construction partner has been contracted. Now, the Pentagon Memorial Fund is conducting a national public awareness and fundraising campaign to develop the support needed to build the beautiful and moving memorial near the site of impact. Convio, Inc. is the leading provider of software and services to help nonprofit organizations use the Internet to develop a strong base of constituents to donate, advocate, volunteer and provide other forms of mission-critical support. Serving many of the nation's top nonprofits and individual-supported organizations, Convio helped the Dean For America presidential campaign build a base of 640,000-plus supporters and raise $18 million online in less than a year. "Although we wish that this memorial never had to be built, our vision now is to create a beautiful, meaningful and lasting tribute to victims of the September 11th Pentagon attack," said James Laychak, President of the Pentagon Memorial Fund, whose brother, David, was killed in the tragedy. "Realizing this vision requires a strong and proven online fundraising partner, which is why we are partnering with Convio. All of us involved with the Pentagon Memorial Fund want to preserve something for our families and for the nation. Convio will help make this possible." The Pentagon Memorial Fund is using ConvioŽ Fundraising Center, a complete set of tools for online fundraising, enabling a nonprofit to:
The memorial park, on grounds adjacent to the Pentagon near the point of impact, will feature 184 memorial units each one consisting of a cantilevered bench honoring a victim with his or her name permanently inscribed, arranged in a timeline from the youngest (age 3) to the oldest (age 71). The benches will rise from the ground above lighted pools of water, with the interplay of the lights, water, metal benches and the paper bark maple trees throughout the park creating a moving experience for visitors. "We are honored that an organization representing relatives of people who died in the horrific 9/11 attack on the Pentagon has decided to work with the Convio team," said Gene Austin, CEO of Convio. "Convio's powerful online tools for communicating with people nationwide to enlist their support and drive donations will play a key role in bringing the Pentagon Memorial to fruition and ensuring its upkeep for generations to come." About Pentagon Memorial Fund The Pentagon Memorial Fund is a nonprofit organization established by the families of the 184 victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in Washington, DC. The Memorial Fund's mission is to provide for the construction and permanent maintenance of the Pentagon Memorial, a beautiful park located at the grounds of the attack that will provide a place for reflection, remembrance and renewal. For more information about the Pentagon Memorial Fund or to make a donation, please visit About Convio, Inc. Convio is the leading provider of software and services that help nonprofit organizations use the Internet to build strong constituent relationships to drive support and participation. Convio has online solution centers for fundraising and membership, advocacy, special events, volunteer fundraising, Web site management, email communications and alumni relations. All centers include the Constituent360TM platform, a sophisticated, online marketing database that centralizes constituent data and integrates with offline databases. This gives nonprofits a unified view of constituent interests and motivations -- key for personalized and targeted outreach and communications. Convio also provides services and consulting to help nonprofits achieve success online. In addition to the Pentagon Memorial Fund, Convio's clients include the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence United with the Million Mom March, Easter Seals, American Diabetes Association, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, AVON Foundation, National Trust For Historic Preservation, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, KCET Community Television of Southern California, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Georgetown University and the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization. For more information, please visit Whitney Wood Otstott |