Convio Enhancements Enable Robust "Solution Centers" for Online Fundraising, Advocacy, Marketing, Special Events and Web Site ManagementNonprofits Can Add Center for Specific Need Or Multiple Centers to Build Internet Infrastructure; All Integrate Through Constituent360TM Platform for More Effective MarketingAUSTIN, TEXAS (October 30, 2003)--Convio, Inc. today announced enhancements to its software and services offering that make it even easier for nonprofits to invest in solutions for more effective online fundraising, advocacy, marketing, special events and Web site management. Convio is the leading provider of software and services that help nonprofits use the Internet to develop strong constituent relationships that drive support. Organizations now easily can add complete, individual Convio "solution centers" to support specific functions online or they can combine multiple centers to build a complete Internet infrastructure. Because all centers share a common platform, a nonprofit can develop a highly integrated system for effectively managing constituent relationships at its own pace by adding centers, as needed. Each of Convio's solution centers also includes a services package (containing setup, training and ongoing support) to ensure that an organization's online initiatives are successful. "We are introducing an even more powerful version of Convio because it gives nonprofits greater flexibility to add the specific functionality they need, when they need it," said Gene Austin, CEO of Convio. "This change is based on what we've heard from our 150 customers and the scores of nonprofits we talk to daily. Whether an organization wants to revamp its entire Web site infrastructure or add a specific capability, Convio has the solution." Nonprofits that want to become more effective through use of the Internet now can buy the following:
(For more information on each center, please visit "Convio's approach makes it easy for us to have everything we need to manage successful membership and advocacy programs online without having to overhaul our entire Web site," said Dolores McDonagh, Vice President-Membership Development at National Trust for Historic Preservation ( "Because the solutions are integrated, we see a single view of online interactions that helps us better understand our constituents. We also like that we can easily add solution centers as our online needs grow." Solution Centers Features and Constituent360™Every Convio solution center provides a complete set of tools for the function it supports, enabling an organization to:
Every solution center also includes Constituent360TM, the centerpiece of Convio's platform (previously called the Convio Constituent Center). Constituent360 is a sophisticated, online marketing database that stores individual constituent profiles. A profile automatically builds over time as a constituent interacts online with the organization by registering, making donations, clicking email or Web page links, responding to email advocacy alerts, signing up for an event, etc. Constituent360 also shares data with offline systems, including donor and member databases. A nonprofit can use this information to personalize each constituent's online experience with the organization. Constituent360 becomes more valuable when a nonprofit uses multiple solution centers because a record of every type of interaction (e.g., making a gift, responding to an action alert) is stored in one constituent profile. By capturing and centralizing all information on each constituent, a nonprofit can more fully understand what motivates constituents and tailor communications accordingly. Convio is the only solution that gives nonprofits this level of knowledge and insight about constituents. To ensure a nonprofit's online success, each solution center also comes with services including complete configuration and set-up of online applications, and comprehensive training, with emphasis on Internet best practices. Additional consulting services are available for organizations that want more guidance in developing and implementing customized online strategies. About ConvioConvio is the leading provider of software and services that help nonprofit organizations use the Internet to build strong constituent relationships to drive support and participation. Convio has online solution centers for fundraising and membership, advocacy, special events, volunteer fundraising, Web site management, email communications and alumni relations. All centers include the Constituent360TM platform, a sophisticated, online marketing database that centralizes constituent data and integrates with offline databases. This gives nonprofits a unified view of constituent interests and motivations -- key for personalized and targeted outreach and communications. Convio also provides services and consulting to help nonprofits achieve success online. In addition to National Trust For Historic Preservation, Convio's clients include Dean For America, Easter Seals, American Diabetes Association, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, AVON Foundation, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, KCET Community Television of Southern California, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Georgetown University and the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization. For more information, please visit |